
The AIPC – GTF Doctoral Curriculum In Pastoral Psychotherapy

Year One

Fall Semester, 2013

 First Eight-Week Module:

  • Theories of Psychological Development Seminar
  • Introduction to Counseling Seminar
  • Group Formation Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

Fall Break Week

Second Eight-Week Module:

  • Psychoanalytic Personality Theory Seminar
  • Clinical Case Seminar
  • Group Theory and Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies


Spring Semester, 2014

First Eight-Week Module:

  • Kleinian Object Relations Theory Seminar
  • Clinical Case Seminar
  • Group Theory and Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

Spring Break Week

Second Eight-Week Module:

  • Object Relations Couples Theory Seminar
  • Clinical Case Seminar
  • Group Theory and Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

 Summer Short Session (Optional for an additional fee of $500.00):

  • Advanced Seminar in Kleinian Theory & Therapy
  • Individual Supervision of Clinical Cases


Year Two

Fall Semester, 2014

First Eight-Week Module:

  • Human Psychopathology Seminar
  • Clinical Case Seminar
  • Group Theory and Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

Fall Break Week

Second Eight-Week Module:

  • Clinical Assessment & Diagnosis Seminar
  • Clinical Case Seminar
  • Group Theory & Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

Spring Semester, 2015

 First Eight-Week Module:

  • Transference and Counter-Transference Seminar
  • Clinical Case Seminar
  • Group Theory and Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

Spring Break Week

 Second Eight-Week Module:

  • Theological Integration Seminar
  • Theory, Theology and Praxis Seminar
  • Group Theory and Process Seminar
  • Clinical Work in Local Non-Profit Agencies

Summer Short Session (Optional for an additional fee of $500.00):

  • Post-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theories Seminar
  • Individual Supervision of Clinical Cases


Year Three

Integration of Theory, Theology and Praxis

The third year is dedicated to integration of theory and theology with one’s practice of psychotherapy.   To this end, students’ work is centered on two main foci: (1) refining one’s psychotherapeutic praxis while receiving close supervision of this work in the clinical context, and (2) completing one’s doctoral project, or completing the requirements of GTF’s “non-project option” in preparation for graduation (cf.


Graduation from the Graduate Theological Foundation occurs in May of year three. Eligibility for graduation is achieved by the completion of all academic requirements of AIPC and GTF, and full payment of required tuition and fees to Alamance Institute for Pastoral Counseling and to the Graduate Theological Foundation. For further information on the doctoral program you select, please visit the website of the Graduate Theological Foundation at, and consult the GTF Student Handbook.

In Conclusion

The curriculum as presented above may be more extensive than required for other D.Min, or Psy.D degrees at the Graduate Theological Foundation. The AIPC faculty has designed the curriculum both to meet academic requirements, and to assure that students achieve high levels of competence in key areas of the unique practice of pastoral psychotherapy.


Academic Degree Options

Students in this program choose one of two postgraduate curriculum options: The Psy.D. degree (Doctor of Psychology), or the D.Min. degree (Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling).

Option #1: The Psy.D. Degree

Students who are awarded the Psy.D. degree are required to complete more academic hours than are required for the D.Min. degree. Consequently the tuition for this program is higher. For the Psy.D. degree, the student completes the AIPC curriculum described above, and also completes the additional academic course work that the Graduate Theological Foundation requires for the awarding of this degree (Cf. the GTF Student Handbook and other information as published on its website at ).   It is also possible to complete two additional Summer Short Sessions through AIPC for an additional fee for an additional fee of $500.00 per course (Cf. curriculum outline above).

Option #2: The D.Min. Degree

For the D.Min. degree, the student completes the AIPC curriculum described above, and also completes additional academic course work that GTF requires for the awarding of this degree (Cf. the GTF Student Handbook and other information as published on its website.).



Prerequisite necessary for admission to these pastoral counseling training programs include:

  • Graduation from an accredited college or university (or its equivalent).
  • Completion of a master’s degree in theology (normally a M.Div. degree) from an accredited university, seminary or divinity school (or its equivalent).
  • Ecclesiastical/faith group endorsement to function in this type of ministry.
  • Completion of at least one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education.
  • Payment to AIPC of a required non-refundable tuition deposit of $500.00.


Please address all inquiries regarding applications, admissions, AIPC tuition or general information about our programs to:

The Rev. Carla Lang, M.A., Psy.D.

The Gregory Building

154 Huffman Mill Rd., Suite 105-A

Burlington, NC 27215

Phone: 336-577-1017

Click here to email Dr. Lang

Inquiries regarding the Graduate Theological Foundation, its programs, its tuition and fees can be addressed by visiting their excellent and informative website at .